Attention Appliance Owners! Lawsuits Claim Eastman Water Hoses Leak or Burst, Causing Serious Water Damage and Creating Injury Risk

Eastman water lines are steel braided hoses commonly used to supply water to faucets, dishwashers, toilets, washing machines and other household appliances.  Eastman marketed the hoses with a quality guarantee that promised functionality for the lifetime of the appliance, however, consumer reports indicate the hoses suffer a design defect which causes the product to leak or burst, resulting in extensive water damage and risk of electrocution.  If you or someone you know has experienced plumbing issues with Eastman water hoses, fill out the form on this page for a FREE legal consultation.

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Eastman water supply hoses are sold with a guarantee from the manufacturer, however, consumer lawsuits argue this claim was made despite Eastman International Inc.'s knowledge of the potential defect.  According to complaints, Eastman International concealed the risk of defective water hoses from consumers and misrepresented the quality of its product.


Consumers who have installed Eastman water hoses in their homes have suffered extensive damage to their property, and lawsuits have been filed to hold Eastman Internationl accountable.  Attorneys representing victims of defective Eastman hoses allege the manufacturer knew of the risk of defect and owes consumers who have suffered damage financial compensation.  Don't hestitate to seek the money you deserve - Fill out the form to contact our firm today!